The Art of Ana Maria Plant
(née: Lampreia Carvalho)

As far as I can remember, since I started painting in my childhood I have been using art as an exercise in illustration and reinvention with different materials. The various phases of my art occurred spontaneously, like a record of the successive phases of my life. These experiments, together with their variety of themes, led to projects and commissions for companies, events and private clients. Such is the case of this collection of paintings which I did for the Columbus 500 exhibition in Strasbourg, based on the Letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha about the discovery of Brazil.

Ibyquyra Ibyquyra Ibyquyra Ibyquyra
Caru Caru Caru Caru Caru Caru Caru
Iracema Iracema Iracema Iracema Iracema
Acambu Acambu Acambu Acambu Acambu
Urucu Urucu Urucu Urucu Urucu Urucu
Etuna Etuna Etuna Etuna Etuna Etuna Etuna
Pabengatu Pabengatu Pabengatu Pabengatu
Ibaretama Ibaretama Ibaretama Ibaretama
Panati Panati Panati Panati Panati Panati
Aira Aira Aira Aira Aira Aira Aira Aira Aira
Cira Cira Cira Cira Cira Cira Cira Cira Cira
Ararauama Ararauama Ararauama Ararauama
Pytumby Pytumby Pytumby Pytumby Pytumby
Potassaba Potassaba Potassaba Potassaba
AissAisso Aisso Aisso Aisso Aisso Aisso Aisso Aisso
Mokambu Mokambu Mokambu Mokambu
Iracema Tambe Iracema Tambe Iracema Tambe
Iracema Kaipora Iracema Kaipor IracemaKaipora
Iracema Aiso Iracema Aiso Iracema Aiso
Tiba Tiba Tiba Tiba Tiba Tiba Tiba Tiba Tiba Arace Arace Arace Arace
Aity Aity Aity Aity Aity Aity Aity Aity Aity Aity
Kabocla Jurema Kabocla Jurema Kabocla Jurema
Aerobiara Aerobiar Aerobiara Aerobiara
Polkadot Polkadot Polkadot Polkadot
Big weddingBig wedding Big wedding
First Communion First Communion First
The Circus The Circus The Circus The Circus
Getting Married Getting Married Getting
Igregia de S.JoseIgregia de S.JoseIgregia
Igreja Matriz Igreja Matriz Igreja Matriz
Casa da Moreninha Casa da Moreninha
Rua da Ladradio Rua da Ladradio
Rua do Catete Rua do Catete Rua do Catete
Flores para Josefina Flores para Josefina
New Years Eve Copacabana New Years Eve
Coiffure Coiffure Coiffure Coiffure Coiffure
Rise and Shine Rise and Shine Rise and Shine
Toilette Toilette Toilette Toilette Toilette
Washday Washday Washday Washday
Mince for Supper Mince for Supper Mince
The Soup The Soup The Soup The Soup The
Feeding Baby Feeding Baby Feeding Baby
Sewing Sewing Sewing Sewing Sewing Sewing
Tea Break Tea Break Tea Break Tea BreakTea
Knitting Knitting Knitting Knitting Knitting
Ironing Ironing Ironing Ironing Ironing Ironing
Happy hour Happy hour Happy hour Happy hour
The Proposal The Proposal The Proposal The
The Wedding The Wedding The Wedding The
At the Church At the Church At the Church
Toasting the Bride Toasting the Bride
Prandium Prandium Prandium Prandium
Urcei albiUrcei albiUrcei albiUrcei albi
Praescripta Praescripta Praescripta
Conditum Conditum Conditum Conditum
Scopula Scopula Scopula Scopula Scopula
Potestas Potestas Potestas Potestas Potestas
Equilibrium Equilibrium Equilibrium
Acerrima Acerrima Acerrima Acerrima
Fragrans Fragrans Fragrans Fragrans
caedans caedans caedans caedans
Smith & Son Smith & Son Smith & Son
Forget Me Not Forget Me Not Forget Me Not
Marmite & Mouse Marmite & Mouse
Just My Cup of Teas Marmite & Mouse
Leopoldo Leopoldo Leopoldo Leopoldo
One for the Pot One for the Pot One for the Pot
Pigeon Post Pigeon Post Pigeon Post Pigeon Post
Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster
Tea Time Tea Time Tea Time Tea Time Tea Time
Picking Apples Picking Apples Picking Apples
Apple HarvestApple HarvestApple Harvest
Harvest HomeHarvest HomeHarvest Home
Weavers WeaversWeaversWeaversWeavers
Festa S. JoaoFesta S. JoaoFesta S. Joao
By the LightBy the LightBy the Light
The WobbleThe WobbleThe Wobble
Fright FrightFrightFrightFrightFright
A Casa da Amizade A Casa da Amizade
Pigeon Post Pigeon Post Pigeon Post Pigeon Post
Choque de Reis Choque de Reis Choque de Reis
Boia Boiada Boia Boiada Boia Boiada Boia Boiada
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles I'm Forever Blowing
S. Jose, Visconde de MauaS. Jose, Visconde de Maua
Bathroom, Umbria Bathroom, UmbriaBathroom, Umbria
Frieze, London Frieze, LondonFrieze, London
Night Club, Sao PauloNight Club, Sao Paulo
Restaurant, RiggisbergRestaurant, Riggisberg
Poolside, MaidstonePoolside, MaidstonePoolside,
Patio, Angra dos ReisPatio, Angra dos ReisPatio, Angra
Hotel, Visconde de MauaHotel, Visconde de MauaHotel,
Winery, UmbriaWinery, UmbriaWinery, UmbriaWinery,
Kitchen, ReptonKitchen, ReptonKitchen, Repton
Theatre, LondonTheatre, LondonTheatre, London
Reception, YoishiReception, YoishiReception, Yoishi
Shopping, Visconde de MauaShopping, Visconde
Garden, London Garden, London Garden, London
Red White & Blue ed White & Blue Red White &
Forget-Me-Not Forget-Me-Not Forget-Me-Not
Just My Cup of Tea Just My Cup of Tea
Drop me a Line Drop me a Line Drop me a Line
Give Me a Bell Give Me a Bell Give Me a Bell
Catch Me if You Can Catch Me if You Can
The Birthday Party The Birthday Party
Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween
Changing of the Guard Changing of the Guard
Two’s Company. Three Is Not A Crowd.
The Bus People The Bus People The Bus People