Painting Murals with Tim Plant


All they need usually is imagination, some materials and a painting surface. But in the case of mural paintings the client provides the wall and Timothy provides scale drawings according to the client`s choice. Working as an assistant to Timothy Plant has been an apprenticeship and a challenge. The fact of it being a commissioned work just makes it more interesting and doing it together was great fun. We had to paint walls of different shapes and sizes in different countries, so we travelled a lot and always had some spare time to look around in search of local curiosities.


The Finishing Touch


Work in progress on a scene of the Bernese Alps with windows, terrace and fountains,
painted in an underground restaurant close to Interlaken, Switzerland. 10x3m


Panoramic seascape with existing structural features transformed into a colonnade and a low wall,
painted beside the indoor pool at a country house near Maidstone, England. 12x3m


Completed mural at the beach house near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8x2,5m


Swiss Mural Complete


Mural in a West-London Garden 2016

Click here to see more murals by Tim & Ana Plant


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