‘The Art of Ana Maria Plant’

Part 8 – ‘Trompe-l’oeil & Mural Paintings’

and working as an assistant of Timothy Plant

Shopfront in the village of Visconde de Mauá, RJ, Brazil 1992

I always liked to do big paintings. We don’t have photos of all of them but the first one was in 1970 in a snooker room in Petropolis, RJ, Brazil. In 1992 I was commissioned to paint a shopfront in Visconde de Maua, RJ, Brazil and I did it at the weekends in exchange for building materials. I was also working in São Paulo, painting Adam and Eve for my exhibition in Strasbourg. By coincidence I then met Timothy Plant who was painting Adam & Eve at a fazenda in São Paulo State, and he invited me to be his mural painting assistant. Since then I've been learning more and more and working with him throughout the UK and around the world. In the meantime I continued working on my series of paintings and holding exhibitions in various places.

Mural Paintings

Bathroom in Umbria, Italy 1994

Mural Paintings

Frieze in London, England 1993

Mural Paintings

Night Club, São Paulo, Brazil 1994

Mural Paintings

Restaurant in Riggisberg,
Switzerland 1995

Mural Paintings

Poolside in Maidstone,
England. 1995

Mural Paintings

Patio in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil 1996

Mural Paintings

Shopping centre in Visconde de Mauá,
RJ, Brazil 2009

Mural Paintings

Kitchen in Repton,
England 2002

Mural Paintings

Garden in London,
England 2016

Mural Paintings

Reception desk in Yoishi,
Japan 2008

Painting the Japanese mural

Mural Paintings

Theatre Royal in London,
England 2007

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