Little Miss No & Co


Though not an endangered species, the junior schoolgirl is in constant danger of being somewhat ignored. Little Miss No has started to put this right, and, in what we describe as a series of ‘cautionary tales’, she boldly upgrades the status of her age group to a level that she feels it deserves


ISBN-13: 978-1453618585
ISBN-10: 1453618589


Before you can put things right, you have to make up your mind about what’s wrong. Little Miss No has no doubt from the start about the latter. But when there’s something she really likes, she leaves no one in any doubt about that either!


Written by: Antonio Andrade Neto
Illustrations by: Ana Maria Plant
English version by: Timothy Plant


ISBN-13: 978-1453702123
ISBN-10: 1453702121


ISBN-13: 978-1453641958
ISBN-10: 1453641955


And if there’s one thing that she likes above all others, there’s clearly a risk of it becoming just too much of a habit. Maybe she can only find out when it’s … almost too late.


Written by: Antonio Andrade Neto
Illustrations by: Ana Maria Plant
English version by: Timothy Plant


ISBN-13: 978-1453702819
ISBN-10: 1453702814


ISBN-13: 978-1453700969
ISBN-10: 145370096X


What could be better than a change of scenery to induce a change of habits? There are some things that don’t change, however. In fact, there’s one thing that Miss No has heard about in England and has always wanted, but she never found it … until an act of kindness on her part made her dream come true!


Written by: Timothy Plant
Illustrations by: Ana Maria Plant


ISBN-13: 978-1453703441
ISBN-10: 1453703446


Omnibus Edition


All the Little Miss No stories in one volume. The illustrations are in black and white, making this a very economic purchase!

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